Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reality is beginning to set in.....

"Life is full of surprises and serendipity. Being open to the unexpected turns in the road is an important part of success. If you try to plan every step, you may miss those wonderful twists and turns. just find your nect adventure- do it well, enjoy it- and then, not now, think about what comes next." Condoleeza Rice

This past week has been crazy. It's getting to be the end of the school year, and I am beginning to say goodbye to my students and parents. I don't care too much about some of many of my co-workers, but my students (most) and their parents (again most) are the ones I am going to miss dearly. But I have been ok with all of this until two things happened: getting my ticket and packing up my office.

When you have been in one place for five years, you accumulate a lot of stuff, both physical and emotional. It's easy to identify which files need to be thrown out, or which books to keep and which ones to sale. But it's not so easy to let go of things that have more of a value. For instance, I have this painting that has been hanging in my office since 2008 made by students in my self-esteem group. I was so proud of them completing it, that it hung in the front office for a minute. But as soon as I heard that they were taking it down, I decided to keep it for myself. Do I have space in my new home for this memory? 

Or its just the little things that come-up as you begin to pack an office that were more so the students than it was my own. The containers, plates, pots and spoons for cooking. The music for those days when I couldn't get online and they needed to focus. The pennants and posters of colleges that I took them to. ... 

The other reality nail hit that same day. My DHL package arrived with my ticket and visa. My official date to leave on the steps of my parent's house. I was dropping off my niece and nephew when I saw it. My mom came outside to meet us, and I go, "That's it." She says, "What is it?" I said, "My ticket and visa." Then my mom got really quiet. Then I started to get misty....

I have been really thinking about the excitement and the new opportunities that this job change will bring into my life, but I haven't allowed myself the time to think about what I am going to miss. Until now. And although I am ready to move on, I also acknowledge I am going to start missing all of these little things that I have everyday: my random calls to my mom, students in my office constantly, having a key to my school building and working anytime I want. Wearing shorts. Stuff like that. But again, if this were to not happen, the doors to this life would not have been opened.

The reality is this for me: I think God has a plan for all of us, and it comes into play when we get comfortable at a stage He has placed us in. Because I don't think, for some of us anyway, that we are meant to stay still and get too comfortable. My reality is that I needed a change because there are soo many things that God has in store for me, that I have to leave to go forward.